Georgia Drag Racing News

Information about Georgia drag racing history, personalities, activities and events from

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ups and Downs at the NHRR

by Ed Miles


Visitors to Beech Bend Park for the National Hot Rod Reunion this year saw a new sight as they crested the horizon, a towering wooden structure of a new roller coaster, and in many ways there were many ups and downs for the Fourth edition of this great event.

UP--Attendance, eclipsing last years estimate of over 30,000, evidenced by the sales of items at the event. The official T-shirts for the event were all gone on Friday, and the balance of souvenirs were completely gone on Saturday. Long lines were in place all day long on Saturday at the concession stands with food items completely gone by mid-afternoon.

Down-Rain, late afternoon Saturday brought welcome relief from the muggy heat , limiting afternoon race sessions, however cleared in time for the evening Cacklefest.

Up--Race and Car show entries. Over 700 race cars and over 1600 street rods were on hand and you can at least double that for the cruise in vehicles, which ranged from street rods, custom cars, muscle cars, antique and vintage cars and of course , much to the chagrin of one of the events sponsors- Dupont Automotive Finishes, the emerging " Rat Rod".

Up-- Vendors, more and more of the latest items out and remakes of old item for all the automotive world continues to become available and on display for the hot rod and vintage market.

Down-- The realization that time is taking its toll and we recall some of the great drag racing competitors who have passed on since this time last year.

Up--Traffic. This years volume of traffic lined up on the Beech Bend road waiting to get in the grounds caused residual back up on surrounding highway and into the city streets of Bowling Green, however in keeping with the feeling of good times everyone took it in stride and accepted it as a matter of fact situation, a sort of car show of its own.