Georgia Drag Racing News

Information about Georgia drag racing history, personalities, activities and events from

Monday, December 27, 2004

2005 East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame Inductees

The 2005 East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame Inductees are:
Dave Reitz,
Buddy Martin,
Frank Spittle,
Sherman Sleigh,
Harold Dutton*,
Randy Payne*,
Joe Lunati,
Jack Musilli,
Jim Amos,
Nancy Wilson,
Tony Feil,
Ed Eaton,
George Reese,
Roosevelt Johnson*,
Gene Fulton,
Steve Bagwell*,
John Livingston,
Jerry Gwynn,
Clayton Harris (Posthumous Award)
and Tony Russo (Posthumous Award).
*Georgia Drag Racers

The Jungle Jim Award will be presented to Bob Banning and the JA Award will be presented to The Blake Family (Posthumous Award).

The ceremony will be held Sunday October 16, 2005 in the Vance-Granville Civic Center (Henderson, NC). The weekend long event will include the Show, Shine, Shag and Dine and also the East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame & Reunion. Congratulations to all of the 2005 East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame inductees!